Hello, I’m a baby products blog writer. I’m so pleased you’ve stopped here! You’ve come to the perfect post if your infant is waking up too early for the day.
Early rising, or “waking up early,” is one of the most prevalent issues that may impact a young kid for several reasons, according to our experience serving families all over the globe over the years. Perhaps the routine is wrong, perhaps there has been a significant change in the family, maybe the baby is waking up too early because they refuse to nap?
These and a slew of other variables, often two or three at once, might all contribute to why your infant refuses to sleep in and gets up too early every day. Are you ready to whittle them down?
#1. It is VERY BRIGHT.
As the sun rises, you’ll need an almost pitch-black room, and a dark chamber is required for sleep time. I recommend window treatments when wood blinds and/or blackout shades aren’t adequate. In my daughter’s situation, she slept one hour later the MINUTE I put up this shade.
The morning light, which she could no longer see after the blackout shade was up, was her “signal” that it was time to get up for the day. However, this may just be a short-term solution for some youngsters, so get it and keep reading.
#2. Your child’s final “Wake window” is much too lengthy.
The time spent awake between naps is referred to as a wake window. This might take 45-90 minutes for newborns. Knowing your child’s minimum and maximum wake windows by age is critical for timing naps and preventing overtiredness because they vary approximately every 3-6 months throughout childhood.
#3. You go to bed TOO EARLY or TOO LATE.
Depending on how many hours of naps they take during the day, children under the age of five may sleep an average of 11-12 hours every night. Depending on nap durations, a bedtime before 7 p.m. might lead even the most excellent sleeping infant to get up too early (like 5 a.m.!).
Pushing back a child’s bedtime in the hopes of “getting them to sleep in” often backfires or results in night waking, and children will typically continue to wake up early unless bedtime is pushed back along with the rest of the day’s everyday routines and activities, a process is known as “Schedule Shifting.”
#4. You attempted sleep training using cry-it-out, pop-ins, or the Ferber approach.
Consider this before you start throwing tomatoes at me, a baby products blog writer: babies who are taught cry-it-out, Ferber, or other popular “pop-in” methods as a response to the inability to fall asleep at bedtime and night waking almost always wake up too early for the day because they are extremely overtired due to the amount of sleep lost with these methods.
You should move backward from evenings to naps so that baby’s “sleep tank” is full while learning to fall asleep on their own.