Hydraulic hose failure is a big threat to any type of machine. Whether it’s in your car, AC, or a pump you are using. Hose failure can be devastating. It can also be harmful to the machine and humans operating it. So, whenever there is a problem with the air hose make sure you repair it yourself or take it to an expert. If you don’t know where to repair the hose just do a quick search writing “hydraulic hose repair near me” on the internet and you will be shown all the local locations.
Now there are plenty of reasons why the hydraulic hose fails. Here I list a few main reasons why hydraulic hoses fail. Make sure you take precautions and stay vigilant enough to repair as soon as you detect the slightest problem.
Hydraulic hoses are in a constant state of expanding and contracting due to the air flow. The high-pressure causes it to expand at times. This means that the hose can rub against other objects like hoses and even metal edges. Abrasion occurs when that happens. One of the most common ways hoses gets damaged. Abrasions basically wear away on the outer layer of a hose exposing the inner steel wires. Eventually, this turns into leaks.
You can find plasticizers for the hoses or buy hoses with plasticizers. This covers the hose and limits the damage caused by abrasions. Additionally, to cover up problem areas you can use a plastic guard or nylon sleeves. However, I would suggest you go and repair the hydraulic hose as soon as possible. There is no point in taking the risk of further damage.
Bad Routing Problems
The first thing you need to remember, even if you know already is to respect the minimum bend radius. If you don’t then buckle, kinks and failure are imminent. Poor routing is a major cause of hydraulic hose failures. You should always avoid routing your hose through potentially high abrasive areas and pivot points.

Also, you should always try to avoid high-temperature areas when routing. If you see that the hose will be moving a lot, then using a swivel for it is a good way to cover for damages. Bad routing is problematic for the hoses so you should always try to use alternate routes, longer hoses and different fittings. You can do all of this and avoid routing problems and bends if you just plant a little bit ahead of time. Having a clear routing plan will save you money in repairs and replacement
Heat Aging
Another big cause of hydraulic hose failure is high temperature exposure and heat aging. Hoses begin to lose their flexibility in high temperatures and starts to stiffen up. The plasticizers within the elastic polymer inside the inner tubing to break down in high heat. This makes the inner tubing hard and then it starts to crack.
As time goes by the cracks reach the surface and a complete hose failure becomes apparent. When you are handling the hose if you see that there is a cracking sound when moving it or the hose becomes bent and stays bent then there is a problem.
You should deduce that it was subject to heat aging. The first step you can take is to make sure you have good quality hoses. Ensure that the hoses can operate at the temperature that can be observed within.
On top of that avoiding unnecessary routing through high heat areas is a good way to avoid heat aging. If you see that you cannot escape the routing through high heat areas, then consider using heat protectors on the hose.
Being Careful
So these are the three biggest cause for hydraulic hose failures. You can easily avoid them if you are a bit careful. However, damage can occur and that time you should consider consulting an expert. There are plenty of places near you that repairs hydraulic hoses. You should also check the air hose fittings while doing other repairs as well. Better to fix niggling problems than to wait for bigger problems.